I would rather be traveling this week for sure! I had such a week, don't want to re-live it again! Tiny bit of background; I had surgery in my mouth 5 weeks ago. Had bone grafts and lots of stitches. I have excellent Dentists. But my incision and graft got infected. ( I was sick and coughed and it opened up) So we have been trying to have it heal.No good, not healing! Yesterday went in for a re-do. They did skin grafts from the roof of my mouth to help with the healing process. (it was open and the tissue is to thin to cover it)
In the meantime I am in so much pain I can not think clearly! I send out 2 constant contact notices reminding everyone to turn their clocks BACK! The funny thing about that is I was just talking about how the internet is full of Cher reminding people to Turn Back time and how is Spring and the time goes FORWARD!
So I am feeling discouraged and embarrassed and I am afraid that my perspective clients will think " she can't even keep straight the time change how is she going to help me with my vacation plans?"
What's even worse is my husband's business also got the honor of having me send out a weird constant contact reminding the same thing and asking if people needed help. Which we go and change the time in electronic door releases in Tele-Entry systems and change the time in Alarms for entry systems. But it sounded off and ridiculous!
I have done lots of quirky things in the last few weeks! Hopefully I will heal this time and no more wrong season emails!
So I am curious, if anyone reads this. What would you think if you got a notice from a company that was off season like that? Would it change your mind about ever doing business or make you question your doing business with the company? Or would it be chalked up to just a funny oh my gosh! ?
I really would love to hear what you would think!
On to traveling.......
We are getting ready to go to Disney for a few days. They have changed a few things since we were there 2 years ago.
You can now check in on line, you don't have to wait in line to check in anymore at the Disney hotels. It is nice because everything is all set for you, if you are getting there and the room is ready you have faster access to your room. This is great after traveling all day if you are from a distance away.
They also do not have non-expiration park tickets anymore! I am not sure how I feel about this. We used to buy 10 day passes and keep them for years! Now you pay as you go. The old passes will still be honored but they will not be selling anymore as of February 22, 2016.
How do you feel about the park pass change? Do you buy passes before you go to Disney or do you wait and this won't matter one way or the other?
The correct instructions ^
I want to turn back time and have a redo with this week, but I can't do that.
Hope you had a better week thank me! I would have told you all about the rest of it but I think there is such a thing as TMI.